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Tag: Gas Mark

Total 56 Posts

Cheese and Onion Pudding

You’ll Need:# 8 oz. (225g) onions # 6 oz. (150g) fresh breadcrumbs # 1 pint (500ml) milk # 3 eggs # salt and pepper # chopped parsley # cayenne pepper # 4 oz. (125g) grated cheeseDirections : # Pre-heat oven to 350F, Gas Mark 4, 180C # Peel and slice

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Savoury Marrow Rings

You’ll Need:# 1 medium-sized marrow # 3 oz. (75g) grated cheese # 3 tablespoons of breadcrumbs # 2 hard boiled eggs # 1 tablespoon of milk # 1 oz. (25g) walnuts # nutmeg # salt and pepper # 1 eggDirections : # Peel the marrow and cut into rings about

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Spaghetti and Tomato Bake

You’ll Need:# 8 oz.(225g) tomatoes, peeled and sliced # 4 oz. (100g) cooked spaghetti # 3 oz. (75g) grated cheese # half a pint of white sauce (See Hookery Cookery Healthy Eating section) # 1 egg # salt and pepper # pinch of tarragon # pinch of sugarDirections : #

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Spinach with Eggs and Noodles

You’ll Need:# 8 oz. (225g) noodles # 8 oz. cooked spinach # 4 eggs # half a pint of cheese sauce (see Hookery Cookery Healthy Eating section) # 1 tablespoon grated cheese # half an ounce (12g) butterDirections : # Pre-heat the oven to 350F, Gas Mark 4, 180C #

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Asparagus Flan

You’ll Need:# 7 oz. (175g) plain flour # three ounces (75g) margarine # salt and pepper # 1 oz. (25g) butter # half a pint (250ml) milk # 4 oz. (100g) grated cheese # 12 oz. (340g) tin asparagus spearsDirections : # Pre-heat oven to 425F, Gas Mark 7, 220C

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Saucy Baked Onions

You’ll Need:# 4 onions, mediun size, peeled # 3 oz. (75g) grated cheese # salt and pepper # mashedd potatoes # 2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs # butter # half a pint of white sauce (see Hookery Cookery Healthy Eating section)Directions : # Pre-heat oven to 375F, Gas Mark 5, 190C

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Egg and Vegetable Pie

You’ll Need:# 1 lb. (450g) mashed potato # 1 tablespoon grated cheese # 1 lb. (450g) mixed diced vegetables # 2 hard boiled eggs # half a pint of cheese sauce (see Hookery Cookery Healthy Eating sectionDirections : # Pre-heat oven to 400F, Gas Mark 6, 200C # Place the

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Vegetable Lasagne

You’ll Need:# 1 lb. (450g) leeks, trimmed and sliced # 4 sticks celery, trimmed and chopped # 8 oz. (225g) carrots, sliced # 4 oz. (100g) dried lasagne verde # 8 oz. (225g) frozen broad beans # half a pint (285 ml) milk # half a pint (285 ml) vegetable

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