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Cheese and Onion Pudding


You’ll Need:

# 8 oz. (225g) onions
# 6 oz. (150g) fresh breadcrumbs
# 1 pint (500ml) milk
# 3 eggs
# salt and pepper
# chopped parsley
# cayenne pepper
# 4 oz. (125g) grated cheese

Directions : # Pre-heat oven to 350F, Gas Mark 4, 180C
# Peel and slice the onions thinly and cook slowly in the milk until just tender
# Remove from the heat, add the breadcrumbs, beaten eggs and most of the cheese
# Season with salt , pepper and a little cayenne pepper
# Turn into a greased ovenproof dish, sprinkle with the remaining cheese and bake for about 20 minutes in the pre-heated ove

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