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Welsh Rarebit Soufflé


You’ll Need:

# half an ounce (12g) cornflour
# quarter pint (125ml) milk
# 1 oz. (25g) cheese, grated
# salt and pepper
# 1 oz. (25g) butter
# 1 tablespoon of milk for the filling
# 2 eggs
# a little made mustard

Directions : # Mix the cornflour with the quarter pint (125ml) of milk, put into a pan , bring to the boil and boil for one minute stirring all the time
# Add seasoning and when cooled a little add the egg yolks
# Beat the egg whites stiffly and fold into the mixture
# Heat half an ounce (12g) of butter in an omelet pan, pour in the mixture and cook until lightly browned on the under side, then brown the top under the grill
# Melt the cheese with the rest of the butter, a tablespoon of milk and seasoning
# Pour over the omelet, fold in half and serve at onc