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Avocado-Smoked Salmon Soup


You’ll Need:

2 avocados
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup sour cream
3 to 3 1/2 cups chicken broth
1/4 tsp Tabasco
2 ounces smoked salmon

Directions : Peel and pit the avocados and in a blender blend them with the lemon juice, the sour cream, 3 cups of the broth, and the Tabasco until the mixture is smooth, adding enough of the remaining 1/2 cup broth to thin the mixture to the desired consistency.
Transfer the soup to a bowl, season it with salt and pepper, and chill it, its surface covered with plastic wrap, for 1 hour, or until it is cold. (The soup will discolor if kept for more than 6 hours.) Stir half the salmon, chopped, into the soup, divide the soup among chilled bowls, and garnish it with the remaining salmon, cut into strips

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