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Asparagus Flan


You’ll Need:

# 7 oz. (175g) plain flour
# three ounces (75g) margarine
# salt and pepper
# 1 oz. (25g) butter
# half a pint (250ml) milk
# 4 oz. (100g) grated cheese
# 12 oz. (340g) tin asparagus spears

Directions : # Pre-heat oven to 425F, Gas Mark 7, 220C
# Sift 6 oz. (150g) flour with a pinch of salt
# Rub in the margarine and mix to make a stiff dough with cold water
# Use this pastry to line a 7 inch (18cm) flan dish
# Trim the edges and line the flan with a piece of greaseproof paper
# Fill with baking beans then bake in the pre-heated oven for 15 minutes
# Remove the beans and paper then return flan to oven and bake for 5 minutes
# Put the butter, remaining flour and milk into a pan
# Place over a gentle heat and whisk continuously until the sauce thickens and boils
# Reduce the heat and simmer for a further 2 minutes, whisking all the time
# Season to taste and stir in 3 oz. (75g) cheese
# Drain the asparagus spears and dry on kitchen paper, reserving 6-8 of the best ones for decoration
# Lay the remainder in the flan and pour over the cheese sauce
# Decorate with the reserved spears and sprinkle with the remaining cheese
# Return to the oven to brown the to

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