You’ll Need:
1 (2 1/2 pound) porterhouse steak, cut 1 1/2-inches thick
6 tablespoons Roquefort
1 tablespoon dry sherry
1/3 cup Claret or Burgundy
Kitchen Bouquet and a pastry brush
Fresh ground black pepper
Directions : Blend cheese and sherry to a smooth paste. Make small incisions 2 1/2 inches apart on both sides of the steak, cutting only halfway through. Pack the cheese paste into the slits; use it all, making more slits if needed. Paint one side of the steak with kitchen Bouquet (lightly but thoroughly) and broil 3 inches below heat for 4 minutes.
Sprinkle cooked side of the steak with pepper, turn and paint the other side lightly with Kitchen Bouquet. Broil again for 3-4 minutes. Remove to a warmed platter and sprinkle lightly with more pepper. NO SALT! There’s enough in the cheese.
To the broiler pan juices, add Claret or Burgundy. Stir 1-2 minutes over medium heat to warm through, and pour over the steak