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Fish Soup with Egg and Lemon Sauce (Psarossoupa Avgolemono)


You’ll Need:

# Three and a half pounds (one and a half kilos) fresh or frozen cod or grouper
# 3 medium tomatoes
# 1 medium onion, sliced
# 1 carrot, sliced
# celery
# half a teacup olive oil
# 1 bay leaf
# half a teacup of rice, washed and strained
# 2 eggs
# juice of 2 lemons

Directions : # Cut the cleaned fish into large pieces and season with salt
# Pour 7-8 teacups of water into a pot and bring to the boil
# Put the vegetables, bay leaf, olive oil, salt and pepper into the boiling water
# Cook the vegetables for about an hour then carefully add the fish and cook for a further 15 minutes
# Remove the fish with a slotted spoon on to a plate then strain the broth to make sure there are no little bones in it
# Place the broth and the vegetables in a liquidizer and blend
# Pour the liquidized soup into a pan and bring gently to the boil, add the rice and cook for a further 20 minutes
# Beat together the eggs and lemon juice then add spoonfuls of the soup, beating continuously
# Pour the egg and lemon sauce into the soup, stirring slowly then serve in warmed bowls
# The fish can ,if desired, be served on a separate platte

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