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Cod Fish Pie


You’ll Need:

3 pound salted cod fish
1/2 pound rice
1/3 pound grated raw potato
1 cup olive oil
1 bunch parsley
2 large onions
1/2 head of garlic
Salt and pepper to taste
Phyllo pastry

Directions : Soak the cod in a bowl of water overnight, to remove the salt. Remove the skin, bones and cut into small regular sized pieces. Finely chop the onions and garlic; put in a mixing bowl.
Add the finely chopped parsley, mint, rice, grated potato, salt, pepper and one tbsp of olive oil. Mix to combine. Brush the bottoms and sides of a large pie dish with oil. Layer 2-3 sheets of pastry over the base. Pour in the pie filling.
Place pieces of cod throughout the filling and then pour some oil over the top. Pour about 1/2 litre of water over the filling and cover with 2-3 sheets of pastry. Cook for 1 1/2 hours at 180? C until well browned

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