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Cabbage tomato chicken soup


ItemsĀ Needed:

  • 1 yellow onion diced
  • 3 stalks of celery diced
  • 2 large carrots shredded (julienne style) and cut about 2 inches long
  • 1/4 of a cabbage cut into pieces no bigger than the spoon you’ll eat the soup with.
  • 2 potatoes diced
  • 2 cans of contadina stewed tomatoes (do not drain, but dice up the tomatoes)
  • 1 large bone in chicken breast boiled till done (keep broth)
  • McCormick’s steakhouse seasoning grinder
  • McCormick’s chicken base

Directions: Boil the chicken breast until done, in enough water to cover the breast an inch or two. Cool, and pick chicken. Cut into bite sized pieces, and put aside.
In a large pan add chopped cabbage, celery, onion, potatoes and carrots. Cover with 3 inches of water and boil (add enough chicken base to taste when the water is hot enough).

When vegetables are almost done, add the 2 cans of tomatoes.

Grind in Steakhouse Seasoning, to taste, and boil until vegetables are tender. The water will evaporate quite a bit, so you will have add some fresh chicken broth. Add chicken. Cool slightly, and serve with well buttered toast.

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