You’ll Need:
4 lbs round beef
2 carrots
1 turnip
? onion
2 pieces celery
1 cup vinegar
2 tomatoes or? cup juice
? pod garlic
1 teaspoon salt
? pod red pepper
2 tablespoons brown flour
Wipe beef with fat and salt Pour over vinegar Cut up vegetables and put on beef Let stand several hours Pour off vinegar Put beef in pot with a little butter or crisco Fry on both sides quickly until brown Then add flour, one and one-half pints of water and vegetables Cook twenty minutes to the pound Half a cup of claret can be added
Directions : To prepare this Beef a la Mode Recipe, first get a thick piece of beef of 4 or 5 pounds from the round or rump. Trim the edges into good shape, wipe, and put it into a deep earthen bowl or jar. Pour over it a cupful of vinegar, in which have been steeped 1 finely chopped onion, 2 tablespoonfuls salt, 1 saltspoonful pepper, 1 teaspoonful each cloves, allspice, and mustard; a blade or two of mace and a bay leaf