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Baked Apples with Raspberry Fluff


You’ll Need:

6 large baking apples *
2/3 cup seedless black or red raspberry jam
1 cup Marshmallow Creme
1/3 cup chopped nuts

Directions : * Rome Beauty, York Imperial, Rhode island Greening, Baldwin, Newton Pippin

Core appless almost through to blossom ends. Peel about 1/3 of the way down from stem ends. Place in baking pan, peeled side up. Add enough boiling water to cover bottom of pan. Cover pan. Bake apples at 350 degrees F for 20 minutes.

Remove cover and spread half the jam over peeled portion of the appless. Bake 15 to 30 minutes longer, or until apples are easily pierced with a fork. Remove from pan and cool.

Combine remaining jam, Marshmallow Creme and nuts. Use to top baked apples just before serving