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Trick or Treat Chilli


You’ll Need:

# 1 lb. (450g) minced beef
# 1 x 1lb. can of red kidney beans
# 1 x one and three quarter pound (725g) can of tomatoes
# 1 large onion
# half a level tablespoon of chilli powder
# salt and paprika pepper

Directions : # Put the minced beef in a large saucepan, brown it while stirring, for about 5 minutes
# Peel and finely slice the onion and add to the mince
# Add the salt, paprika and chilli power and stir
# Add the canned tomatoes, bring to the boil, then lower the heat before covering and simmer for one and a half hours
# Drain the kidney beans, add to the pan and simmer gently for a further 15 minute