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Tag: caviar

Total 18 Posts

Russian Potato Hors d?oeuvres

You’ll Need:10 gourmet cooked and cooled potatoes 1 carton sour cream 100g Caviar (red and black) Watercress to garnishDirections : Cut the potatoes in half and cut a small amount off the bottom of each half to allow it to stand securely. Top each with a spoonful of sour cream

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Baby Stuffed Potatoes with Caviar

You’ll Need:12 baby potatoes (baked until cooked) 124gms cream cheese 50gms fresh chopped herbs 100gms salmon caviarDirections : Take each potato, cut the top off and remove the inside and place into a bowl. Add fresh chopped herbs, cream cheese and mix well. Spoon the mix back into the potatoes

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