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Christmas Party Punch


You’ll Need:

# Three and a half pints (2 litre) red wine
# One and a half pints (825ml) water, boiling
# 1 wine glass of brandy
# 1 wine glass of Cointreau
# 2 cloves
# 12 cubes sugar
# 2 oranges
# 1 x 2 inch (5cm) stick of cinnamon

Directions : # Gently pour the wine into a saucepan and then add the sugar, cinnamon, cloves and thinly pared rind of one orange
# Place the pan over a gentle heat and increase the heat to near boiling point, being careful not to allow the wine to boil
# Add the brandy, Cointreau and water then stir well
# Strain the liquid into a punch bowl
# Ladle the punch into warmed glasses and serv