Recipe Wild

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Aspic Appetizers


You’ll Need:

36 shrimp, boiled and peeled
1 envelope unflavored gelatine
1 1/2 cups tomato juice
1 teaspoon grated onion
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
Dash of celery salt
Dash of garlic powder
Dash of Tabasco sauce
Salt and pepper
Juice of 1/2 lemon

Directions : Grease small molds or muffin tins and place shrimp in bottom of each. Soften gelatine in tomato juice for 5 minutes, then heat to dissolve. Add seasonings. Fill molds. Place in refrigerator to congeal.

Unmold and serve on crackers or toast rounds topped with a little mayonnaise. May be prepared 2 days in advance.

Yields 3 dozen

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