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Cranberry Chutney


You’ll Need:

# 3lbs. (1.35kg) cranberries
# 1 lb. (450g) raisins
# 8 oz. (225g) sultanas
# 8 oz. (225g) sugar
# half an ounce (12g) powdered cinnamon
# 3 pieces of ginger
# half an ounce (12g) allspice
# 1 oz. (25g) salt
# 1 pint (570ml) vinegar

Directions : # Put the cranberries in a preserving pan and just cover with vinegar
# Simmer gently until tender
# Add the remaining ingredients and cook until a thick mixture is formed
# Bottle in clean, warmed jars, while the chutney is hot, and close securel